Our theme this month is “pleasure,” and it’s one of my favorite themes we’ve had in a while. I love how the definition of pleasure shifts from person to person and changes as we grow older. As a kid, I thought buying a new Webkinz or getting ice cream on a hot day was the peak of pleasure, but now a delicious meal, a nice bottle of wine, and a (dairy-free) scoop of ice cream with my partner are my peak ideas of pleasure.
As we head into Halloween season, I can think of nothing more fitting than talking about pleasure in all its forms. From holiday sweets to the numerous sexy Barbie and Ken costumes we’re sure to see on our social feeds, this time of year is all about channeling what makes us truly happy.
Whether we are sharing a love of food, film, or expressing spicier desires, we can’t wait for you to read and hope you find pleasure in our stories.

October has always been synonymous with pleasure for me. I’m not sure what exactly makes this month feel so special - whether it’s the crispness in the air, the shifting leaves, or the way that everyone’s Halloween planning makes the world seem a little more magical for a few weeks. I haven’t found a way to fully intellectualize it yet. Maybe I don’t need to. As hard as it is for me to accept, pleasure might be something that exists outside of logic. When something’s good, it’s just good. That feeling is undeniable.
And Blossom is undeniably a good thing. Our hiatus is finally over, we’re back with a brand new look, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. It’s such a pleasure to be working with so many great friends (and a few new members of the Blossom community!) as we explore all the weird, wonderful, illogical forms that pleasure can take. We hope you enjoy this month’s pieces as much as we enjoyed making them.
